Source code for pyseqlab.attributes_extraction

@author: ahmed allam <>
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from pyseqlab.utilities import SequenceStruct, ReaderWriter

[docs]class AttributeScaler(object): """attribute scalar class to scale/standardize continuous attributes/features Args: scaling_info: dictionary comprising the relevant info for performing standardization method: string defining the method of scaling {rescaling, standardization} Attributes: scaling_info: dictionary comprising the relevant info for performing standardization method: string defining the method of scaling {rescaling, standardization} Example:: in case of *standardization*: - scaling_info has the form: scaling_info[attr_name] = {'mean':value,'sd':value} in case of *rescaling* - scaling_info has the form: scaling_info[attr_name] = {'max':value, 'min':value} """ def __init__(self, scaling_info, method): self.scaling_info = scaling_info self.method = method
[docs] def scale_continuous_attributes(self, seq, boundaries): """scale continuous attributes of a sequence for a list of boundaries Args: seq: a sequence instance of :class:`SequenceStruct` boundaries: list of boundaries ``[(1,1), (2,2),...,]`` """ scaling_info = self.scaling_info method = self.method seg_attr = seq.seg_attr try: if(method == "standardization"): for attr_name in scaling_info: attr_mean = scaling_info[attr_name]['mean'] attr_sd = scaling_info[attr_name]['sd'] for boundary in boundaries: seg_attr[boundary][attr_name]= (seg_attr[boundary][attr_name] - attr_mean)/(attr_sd) elif(method == "rescaling"): for attr_name in scaling_info: attr_max = scaling_info[attr_name]['max'] attr_min = scaling_info[attr_name]['min'] diff = attr_max - attr_min if(diff == 0): for boundary in boundaries: seg_attr[boundary][attr_name]= 0 else: for boundary in boundaries: seg_attr[boundary][attr_name]= self.transform_scale(seg_attr[boundary][attr_name], attr_min, attr_max) # seg_attr[boundary][attr_name]= (seg_attr[boundary][attr_name] - attr_min)/(diff) except Exception as e: print("one of the features is either constant or zero. Division by zero error...") print(e)
[docs] def transform_scale(self, x, xref_min, xref_max): """transforms feature value to scale from [-1,1]""" x_new = 2*(x-xref_min)/(xref_max-xref_min) - 1 return(x_new)
[docs] def save(self, folder_dir): """save relevant info about the scaler on disk Args: folder_dir: string representing directory where files are pickled/dumped """ save_info = {'AS_scalinginfo': self.scaling_info, 'AS_method':self.method } for name in save_info: ReaderWriter.dump_data(save_info[name], os.path.join(folder_dir, name))
[docs]class GenericAttributeExtractor(object): """Generic attribute extractor class implementing observation functions that generates attributes from tokens/observations Args: attr_desc: dictionary defining the atomic observation/attribute names including the encoding of such attribute (i.e. {continuous, categorical}} Attributes: attr_desc: dictionary defining the atomic observation/attribute names including the encoding of such attribute (i.e. {continuous, categorical}} seg_attr: dictionary comprising the extracted attributes per each boundary of a sequence """ def __init__(self, attr_desc): self.attr_desc = attr_desc self.determine_attr_encoding(attr_desc) self.seg_attr = {}
[docs] def determine_attr_encoding(self, attr_desc): for attr in attr_desc: if(attr_desc[attr]['encoding'] == 'categorical'): attr_desc[attr]['repr_func'] = self._represent_categorical_attr else: attr_desc[attr]['repr_func'] = self._represent_continuous_attr
[docs] def group_attributes(self): """function to group attributes based on the encoding type (i.e. continuous vs. categorical)""" attr_desc = self.attr_desc grouped_attr = {} for attr_name in attr_desc: encoding_type = attr_desc[attr_name]['encoding'] if(encoding_type in grouped_attr): grouped_attr[encoding_type].append(attr_name) else: grouped_attr[encoding_type] = [attr_name] return(grouped_attr)
[docs] def generate_attributes(self, seq, boundaries): X = seq.X observed_attrnames = list(X[1].keys()) # segment attributes dictionary self.seg_attr = {} new_boundaries = [] # create segments from observations using the provided boundaries for boundary in boundaries: if(boundary not in seq.seg_attr): self._create_segment(X, boundary, observed_attrnames) new_boundaries.append(boundary) # print("seg_attr {}".format(self.seg_attr)) # print("new_boundaries {}".format(new_boundaries)) if(self.seg_attr): # save generated attributes in seq seq.seg_attr.update(self.seg_attr) # print('saved attribute {}'.format(seq.seg_attr)) # clear the instance variable seg_attr self.seg_attr = {} return(new_boundaries)
def _create_segment(self, X, boundary, attr_names, sep = " "): self.seg_attr[boundary] = {} attr_desc = self.attr_desc for attr_name in attr_names: segment_value = self._get_segment_value(X, boundary, attr_name) self.seg_attr[boundary][attr_name] = attr_desc[attr_name]['repr_func'](segment_value, sep) def _get_segment_value(self, X, boundary, target_attr): u = boundary[0] v = boundary[1] segment = [] for i in range(u, v+1): segment.append(X[i][target_attr]) return(segment) def _represent_categorical_attr(self, attributes, sep): """function to represent categorical attributes """ return(sep.join(attributes)) def _represent_continuous_attr(self, attributes, sep=None): """function to represent continuous attributes """ return(sum(float(attr) for attr in attributes))
[docs]class NERSegmentAttributeExtractor(GenericAttributeExtractor): """class implementing observation functions that generates attributes from word tokens/observations Args: attr_desc: dictionary defining the atomic observation/attribute names including the encoding of such attribute (i.e. {continuous, categorical}} Attributes: attr_desc: dictionary defining the atomic observation/attribute names including the encoding of such attribute (i.e. {continuous, categorical}} seg_attr: dictionary comprising the extracted attributes per each boundary of a sequence """ def __init__(self): attr_desc = self.generate_attributes_desc() super().__init__(attr_desc)
[docs] def generate_attributes_desc(self): """define attributes by including description and encoding of each observation or observation feature """ attr_desc = {} attr_desc['w'] = {'description':'the word/token', 'encoding':'categorical' } attr_desc['shape'] = {'description':'the shape of the word', 'encoding':'categorical' } attr_desc['shaped'] = {'description':'the compressed/degenerated form/shape of the word', 'encoding':'categorical' } attr_desc['seg_numchars'] = {'description':'number of characters in a segment', 'encoding':'continuous' } attr_desc['seg_len'] = {'description':'the length of a segment', 'encoding':'continuous' } return(attr_desc)
[docs] def generate_attributes(self, seq, boundaries): """generate attributes of the sequence observations in a specified list of boundaries Args: seq: a sequence instance of :class:`SequenceStruct` boundaries: list of boundaries [(1,1), (2,2),...,] .. note:: the generated attributes are saved first in :attr:`seg_attr` and then passed to the **`seq.seg_attr`**. In other words, at the end :attr:`seg_att` is always cleared """ X = seq.X observed_attrnames = list(X[1].keys() & self.attr_desc.keys()) # segment attributes dictionary self.seg_attr = {} new_boundaries = [] # create segments from observations using the provided boundaries for boundary in boundaries: if(boundary not in seq.seg_attr): self._create_segment(X, boundary, observed_attrnames) new_boundaries.append(boundary) # print("seg_attr {}".format(self.seg_attr)) # print("new_boundaries {}".format(new_boundaries)) if(self.seg_attr): attr_names_boa = ('w', 'shaped') for boundary in new_boundaries: self.get_shape(boundary) self.get_degenerateshape(boundary) self.get_seg_length(boundary) self.get_num_chars(boundary) # generate bag of attributes properties in every segment self.get_seg_bagofattributes(boundary, attr_names_boa) # save generated attributes in seq seq.seg_attr.update(self.seg_attr) # print('saved attribute {}'.format(seq.seg_attr)) # clear the instance variable seg_attr self.seg_attr = {} return(new_boundaries)
[docs] def get_shape(self, boundary): """get shape of segment Args: boundary: tuple (u,v) that marks beginning and end of a segment """ segment = self.seg_attr[boundary]['w'] res = '' for char in segment: if char.isupper(): res += 'A' elif char.islower(): res += 'a' elif char.isdigit(): res += 'D' else: res += '_' self.seg_attr[boundary]['shape'] = res
[docs] def get_degenerateshape(self, boundary): """get degenerate shape of segment Args: boundary: tuple (u,v) that marks beginning and end of a segment """ segment = self.seg_attr[boundary]['shape'] track = '' for char in segment: if not track or track[-1] != char: track += char self.seg_attr[boundary]['shaped'] = track
[docs] def get_seg_length(self, boundary): """get the length of a segment Args: boundary: tuple (u,v) that marks beginning and end of a segment """ # begin and end of a boundary u = boundary[0] v = boundary[-1] seg_len = v - u + 1 self.seg_attr[boundary]['seg_len'] = seg_len
[docs] def get_num_chars(self, boundary, filter_out = " "): """get the number of characters of a segment Args: boundary: tuple (u,v) that marks beginning and end of a segment filter_out: string the default separator between attributes """ segment = self.seg_attr[boundary]['w'] filtered_segment = segment.split(sep = filter_out) num_chars = 0 for entry in filtered_segment: num_chars += len(entry) self.seg_attr[boundary]['seg_numchars'] = num_chars
[docs] def get_seg_bagofattributes(self, boundary, attr_names, sep = " "): """implements the bag-of-attributes concept within a segment Args: boundary: tuple (u,v) representing current boundary attr_names: list of names of the atomic observations/attributes sep: separator (by default is the space) .. note:: it can be used **only** with attributes that have binary_encoding type set equal True """ prefix = 'bag_of_attr' attr_desc = self.attr_desc # generate bag of attributes properties in every segment for attr_name in attr_names: segment = self.seg_attr[boundary][attr_name] split_segment = segment.split(sep) count_dict = defaultdict(int) for elem in split_segment: count_dict[elem] += 1 for attr_value, count in count_dict.items(): fkey = prefix + '_' + attr_name + '_' + attr_value self.seg_attr[boundary][fkey] = count # adding dynamically the description and the encoding of the new bag of attributes property if(fkey not in attr_desc): attr_desc[fkey] = {'description':'{} -- bag of attributes property'.format("fkey"), 'encoding':'continuous' }
if __name__ == "__main__": # sequence example is from `Cuong et al. paper <>`_ X = [{'w':'Peter'}, {'w':'goes'}, {'w':'to'}, {'w':'Britain'}, {'w':'and'}, {'w':'France'}, {'w':'annually'},{'w':'.'}] Y = ['P', 'O', 'O', 'L', 'O', 'L', 'O', 'O'] seq = SequenceStruct(X, Y) attr_extractor = NERSegmentAttributeExtractor() print("attr_desc {}".format(attr_extractor.attr_desc)) attr_extractor.generate_attributes(seq, seq.get_y_boundaries()) for boundary, seg_attr in seq.seg_attr.items(): print("boundary {}".format(boundary)) print("attributes {}".format(seg_attr)) print("seg_attr {}".format(seq.seg_attr))